Making a great first impression when you start university will mean it’s easier for you to make friends and develop good relationships with your professors, faculty members, and other people you encounter. The good news is there’s nothing complex about making a great first impression — it just requires a little effort on your part.
1. Put a Smile on Your Face
No matter how you’re feeling, try to smile when you meet someone new. This will make people feel like you’re a positive, friendly person. Plus, they’ll likely match your energy and smile back.
2. Have Some Interesting Questions and Answers for Small Talk
Small talk may not make for the most interesting conversations, but it’s invaluable for breaking the ice. Come up with questions to ask people you meet at events and to start chatting with other students after class. These questions don’t need to be anything complicated — you could ask about hobbies, study plans, or where the person is from.
In addition, keep the conversation flowing by thinking about responses to questions other people are likely to ask you. For instance, if someone asks you how your summer was, mention something special. Always follow up with a reciprocal question to demonstrate your interest in the other person and to avoid dominating the conversation.
3. Maintain Eye Contact
Show interest in what people have to say by maintaining eye contact. If you’re looking around the room or glancing at your phone, the other person will think you’d rather be somewhere else.
4. Avoid Fidgeting
Another way you may look distracted or uninterested in the conversation is if you fall into nervous habits, like twirling your hair or playing with an object. Keep your hands still by placing them by your sides or in your pockets.
5. Be Authentically You
None of the above should mean you try to act a part. Although you’re trying to fit in, it’s important to your true self. Not only do people not appreciate it when others are being phony, allowing your personality to shine will help you find friends who have similar interests and values to you.
6. Arrive Early
Aim to arrive early to ensure you’re always at least on time. This goes for everything from campus events to classes. Being on time (or a little early) shows the event organizer or your professor that you care. Plus, it will mean you’re not feeling stressed when you arrive.
7. Remember Names
Maintain the good impression you make by remembering people’s names. Call them by their names next time you see them to show you’ve remembered.
Key to making a great first impression is gaining confidence. You’ll find you naturally gain confidence at university, but especially if you start being more independent, such as if you’re living in off-campus student rentals. Barrie students can move into the welcoming community at Arcadian Students. You’ll have the chance to meet all sorts of like minded people in places like the outdoor grilling area, basketball half court, and common area lounge. Take a virtual tour to check out the housing for yourself.